SetOemConversion - Switches automatic Oem/Ansi conversion on and off


This function is obsolete and only kept for compatibility reasons. Use SetCX and GetECX instead.




<lCurrentSetting> := SetOemConversion( [<lNewSetting>] )






<lNewSetting> defines the new state of the automatic Oem/Ansi-conversion. .T. switches conversion on, .F. switches it off.

If no parameter is passed, the current setting is retained.


Return value


SetOemConversion returns the current conversion state.




SetOemConversion controls Cockpit's automatic string character set conversion executed for all calls through Cockpit adapter functions or methods. SetOemConversion works process-wide, it's setting is valid for all threads of your program and should be used on startup of your program. Switching conversion on or off during program execution should be avoided.


Internally SetOemConversion calls SetCX passing CX_ANSI or CX_OEM. The return value is based on a call to GetECX. The old default being Oem conversion switched off is not valid any more. Now it depends on the setting of the CRE.








Character Set Conversion Functions


Quick Info


Library: cckptcor.lib / cckptcor.dll


See also


ConvTextIn, ConvTextOut, ConvWTextIn, ConvWTextOut





* Save current setting and activate automatic Ansi/Oem conversion

oldSetting := SetOemConversion(.T.)