Core Macros

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Binary Operation Macros

& - Binary And

~ - Binary Not

| - Binary Or

^^ - Binary Xor

<< - Bit shift left

>> - Bit shift right

C Compatibility Macros

/. - Integer Division

?: - Implicit If allowing numerics as condition

Value Analysis Macros

LOBYTE - Extract the low order BYTE from a WORD

HIBYTE - Extract the high order BYTE from a WORD


LOWORD - Extract the low order WORD from a LONG

HIWORD - Extract the high order WORD from a LONG


LOSHORT - Extract the low order SHORT from a LONG

HISHORT - Extract the high order SHORT from a LONG

Value Composition Macros

MAKEWORD - Compose a WORD from two BYTEs

MAKELONG -  Compose a LONG from two WORDs